Data structures Throw java Lab part 3

Linked Queue
In contiguous storage (using arrays), queues were harder to manipulate than were stacks. It causes
difficulties to handle full queues and empty queues. It is for queues that linked storage really comes
into its own. The linked implementation has two advantages over the array implementation: (1) it is
faster – locations for insertion and deletion are same – at the back and at the front, and (2) it wastes no
space – removed nodes are deleted by the automatic garbage collector process.
Linked queues are just as easy to handle as are linked stacks. This section presents a queue
implementation which makes use of the singly linked list. We keep two pointers, front and rear. The
operations of LinkedQueue class is given Program 21(b) and LinkedQueue class is tested in
Program 21(c).
Program 21(b): A LinkedQueue Class
public class LinkedQueue
 class Node
 { Object data;
 Node next;
 Node(Object item) // constructor
 { data = item; }
 Node front, rear;
 int count;
 public void insert(Object item)
 Node p = new Node(item);
 if(front == null) // queue is empty; insert first item
 { front = rear = p; = null;
 if(front == rear) // queue contains one item; insert second item
 { rear = p; = rear; = null;
 } 46 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 else // queue contains 2 or more items
 { = p; // old refers to p
 rear = p; // new rear refers to p = null;
 count++; // increment queue size
 public Object remove()
 { if(isEmpty())
 { System.out.println("Q is empty"); return null; }
 Object item =;
 front =;
 count--; // decrement queue size
 return item;
 public boolean isEmpty()
 { return (front == null); }
 public Object peek()
 { return; }
 public int size()
 { return count; }

 public void display()
 { Node p = front;
 System.out.print("Linked Q: ");
 if(p == null) System.out.println("empty");
 while( p != null )
 System.out.print( + " ");
 p =;
Program 21(c): Testing LinkedQueue Class

class LinkedQueueDemo
{ public static void main(String[] args)
 LinkedQueue q = new LinkedQueue();
 System.out.println("delete(): " + q.remove());
 System.out.println("peek(): " + q.peek());
 q.insert('F');  4. Stacks and Queues

 System.out.println("delete(): " + q.remove());
 System.out.println("size(): " + q.size());
 Here is the output of this program:
 Linked Q: empty
 Linked Q: A B C D
 remove(): A
 Linked Q: B C D
 peek(): B
 remove(): B
 Linked Q: C D E F
 size(): 4
Deque ADT
22. Write Java programs to implement the deque (double ended queue) ADT using
(a) Array
(b) Doubly linked list.
A deque is a double-ended queue. You can insert items at either end and delete them from either end.
Methods are addFirst(), addLast(), removeFirst() and removeLast().
If you restrict yourself to addFirst() and removeFirst() (or their equivalents on the right),
then the deque acts like a stack. If you restrict yourself to addFirst() and removeLast() (or the
opposite pair), then it acts like a queue.
 A deque provides a more versatile data structure than either a stack or a queue, and is sometimes
used in container class libraries to serve both purposes. However, it is not used as often as stacks and
 The deque is maintained by either an array or linked list with pointers first and last which
point to the two ends of the deque. Such a structure is represented by the following figure.
first last
The methods of deque ADT are as follows:
addFirst(Object) Inserts an item at the left side of deque.
addLast(Object) Inserts an item at the right side of deque.
removeFirst() Deletes an item from the left of deque.
removeLast() Deletes an item from the right of deque.
getFirst() Returns an item from the left, without deleting the item.
getLast() Returns an item from right, without deleting the item.
size() Returns the current number of items in the deque.
isEmpty() Returns true, if deque is empty else returns false. 48 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
Program 22(a) is an array implementation of ArrayDeque class and it is tested in Program 22(b).
Program 22(a): An ArrayDeque Class
public class ArrayDeque
 private int maxSize;
 private Object[] que;
 private int first;
 private int last;
 private int count; // current number of items in deque
 public ArrayDeque(int s) // constructor
 { maxSize = s;
 que = new Object[maxSize];
 first = last = -1;
 count = 0;
 public void addLast(Object item)
 { if(count == maxSize)
 { System.out.println("Deque is full"); return; }
 last = (last+1) % maxSize;
 que[last] = item;
 if(first == -1 && last == 0) first = 0;
 public Object removeLast()
 { if(count == 0)
 { System.out.println("Deque is empty"); return(' ');}
 Object item = que[last];
 que[last] = ‘ ’;
 if(last > 0) last = (last-1) % maxSize;
 if(count == 0) first = last = -1;
 public void addFirst(Object item)
 { if(count == maxSize)
 { System.out.println("Deque is full"); return; }
 if(first > 0) first = (first-1) % maxSize;
 else if(first == 0) first = maxSize-1;
 que[first] = item;
 public Object removeFirst()
 { if(count == 0)
 { System.out.println("Deque is empty");
 return(' ');
 Object item = que[first];
 que[first] = ‘ ’;
 if(first == maxSize-1) first = 0;  4. Stacks and Queues

 else first = (first+1) % maxSize;
 if(count == 0) first = last = -1;
 void display()
 { System.out.println("----------------------------");
 System.out.print("first:"+first + ", last:"+ last);
 System.out.println(", count: " + count);
 System.out.println(" 0 1 2 3 4 5");
 System.out.print("Deque: ");
 for( int i=0; i<maxSize; i++ )
 System.out.print(que[i]+ " ");
 public boolean isEmpty() // true if queue is empty
 { return (count == 0); }
 public boolean isFull() // true if queue is full
 { return (count == maxSize); }
Program 22(b): Testing ArrayDeque Class
class ArrayDequeDemo
{ public static void main(String[] args)
 { ArrayDeque q = new ArrayDeque(6); // queue holds a max of 6 items
 q.insertLast('A'); /* (a) */
 q.insertLast('E'); /* (b) */
 /* (c) */
 q.insertFirst('P'); q.insertFirst('Q'); /* (d) */
 q.insertFirst('R'); q.display();
 q.deleteFirst(); q.display(); /* (e) */
 q.insertFirst('X'); q.display(); /* (f) */
 q.insertLast('Y'); q.display(); /* (g) */
 q.insertLast('Z'); q.display(); /* (h) */
 Output of this program is as follows:
 deleteFirst(): A
first:1, last:3, count: 3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 50 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
Deque: B C D
first:1, last:4, count: 4
 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deque: B C D E
deleteLast(): E
deleteLast(): D
first:1, last:2, count: 2
 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deque: B C
first:4, last:2, count: 5
 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deque: P B C R Q
first:5, last:2, count: 4
 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deque: P B C Q
first:4, last:2, count: 5
 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deque: P B C X Q
first:4, last:3, count: 6
 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deque: P B C Y X Q
Deque is full
first:4, last:3, count: 6
 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deque: P B C Y X Q
Linked Deque
A deque is implemented by using a doubly linked list with references to first and last. Following
figure illustrates the linked deque operations. Each node of the doubly linked list contains three fields:
data, prev and next. The fields prev and next refer to the node itself. Program 22(c) implements
LinkedDeque class which is tested in Program 22(d).
Program 22(c): A LinkedDeque class
public class LinkedDeque
 public class DequeNode
 DequeNode prev;
 Object data;
 DequeNode next;
 DequeNode( Object item ) // constructor
 data = item;
 } // prev & next automatically refer to null
 }  4. Stacks and Queues

 private DequeNode first, last;
 private int count;
 public void addFirst(Object item)
 { if( isEmpty() )
 first = last = new DequeNode(item);
 { DequeNode tmp = new DequeNode(item); = first;
 first.prev = tmp;
 first = tmp;
 public void addLast(Object item)
 if( isEmpty() )
 first = last = new DequeNode(item);
 { DequeNode tmp = new DequeNode(item);
 tmp.prev = last; = tmp;
 last = tmp;
 public Object removeFirst()
 if( isEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("Deque is empty");
 return null;
 { Object item =;
 first =;
 first.prev = null;
 return item;
 public Object removeLast()
 if( isEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("Deque is empty");
 return null;
 { Object item =;
 last = last.prev; = null;
 return item;
 public Object getFirst()
 if( !isEmpty() ) return( );
 else return null; 52 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 public Object getLast()
 if( !isEmpty() ) return( );
 else return null;
 public boolean isEmpty()
 { return (count == 0); }
 public int size()
 { return(count); }
 public void display()
 { DequeNode p = first;
 System.out.print("Deque: [ ");
 while( p != null )
 { System.out.print( + " " );
 p =;
Program 22(d): Testing LinkedDeque Class
public class LinkedDequeDemo
 public static void main( String args[])
 LinkedDeque dq = new LinkedDeque();
 System.out.println("removeFirst():" + dq.removeFirst());
 System.out.println("getFirst():" + dq.getFirst());
 System.out.println("getLast():" + dq.getLast());
 System.out.println("removeLast():"+ dq.removeLast());
 System.out.println("size():" + dq.size());
Output of this program is:
Deque is empty
 removeFirst(): null
 Deque: [ C B A ]
 getFirst(): C
 getLast(): E
 Deque: [ C B A D E ]
 removeFirst(): C  4. Stacks and Queues

 removeLast(): E
 Deque: [ B A D ]
 size(): 3
Priority Queue
23. Write a Java program to implement a priority queue ADT.
In many situations, ordinary queues are inadequate, as when FIFO arrangement has to be overruled
using some priority criteria.
The problem with a priority queue is in finding an efficient implementation that allows relatively
fast insertion and deletion. Because items may arrive randomly to the queue, there is no guarantee that
the items at front will be the most likely to be removed and that the items inserted at the rear will be
the last items for deletion. Priority queues are implemented by using (1) arrays, (2) linked lists, (3)
binary heaps
Linked Implementation of a Priority Queue
We can represent a priority queue as an ordered linked list. The items of the queue are in ascending
order – the items of higher priority are at starting of the list. Each list node consists of three fields:
data, priority number and next. A node of higher priority is processed (removed) before any item of
lower priority. The items with the same priority are deleted according to the order in which they were
added to the queue – that is, FIFO discipline. The priority numbers work like this: the lower the
priority number, the higher the priority. The Node class is declared as follows (data field is a String
type, priority number, prn is an int, and next refers to the next node in the list):
class Node
{ data prn next
 String data;
 int prn;
 Node next;
The head indicates (or refers to) first node of the list. The delete routine removes the head node
and makes the new head to refer to head next node.
 Adding an item to the priority queue is complicated than deleting a node from the queue, because
we need to find the correct location to insert the node.
 The insert method traverses the list until finding a node (call it N) whose priority number is
greater than priority number of new node to be added. Insert new node in front of N. If no such node is
found, insert new node after the end of the list (that is, as a last node of the list). While traversing the
list, the object reference of preceding node of the new node is to be saved.
LinkedPriorityQueue class implemented as a linked list is given in Program 23(b), and it is tested
in Program 23(c). Node class is defined in Program 23(a).
Program 23(a): Linked Priority Queue Node Class
public class Node
{ String data; // data item
 int prn; // priority number (minimum has highest priority)
 Node next; // "next" refers to the next node
 Node( String str, int p ) // constructor
 { data = str; 54 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 prn = p;
 } // "next" is automatically set to null
Program 23(b): LinkedPriorityQueue Class
class LinkedPriorityQueue
 Node head; // “head” refers to first node
 public void insert(String item, int pkey) // insert item after pkey
 Node newNode = new Node(item, pkey); // create new node
 int k;
 if( head == null ) k = 1;
 else if( newNode.prn < head.prn ) k = 2;
 else k = 3;
 switch( k )
 { case 1: head = newNode; // Q is empty, add head node = null;
 case 2: Node oldHead = head; // add one item before head
 head = newNode; = oldHead;
 case 3: Node p = head; // add item before a node
 Node prev = p;
 Node nodeBefore = null;
 while( p != null )
 if( newNode.prn < p.prn )
 { nodeBefore = p;
 { prev = p; // save previous node of current node
 p =; // move to next node
 } // end of while = nodeBefore; = newNode;
 } // end of switch
 } // end of insert() method
 public Node delete()
 if( isEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("Queue is empty");
 return null;
 { Node tmp = head;
 head =;
 return tmp;
 }  4. Stacks and Queues

 public void displayList()
 Node p = head; // assign address of head to p
 System.out.print("\nQueue: ");
 while( p != null ) // start at beginning of list until end of list
 System.out.print("(" +p.prn+ ")" + " ");
 p =; // move to next node
 public boolean isEmpty() // true if list is empty
 { return (head == null); }
 public Node peek() // get first item
 { return head; }
Program 23(c): Testing of LinkedPriorityQueue Class
class LinkedPriorityQueueDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 LinkedPriorityQueue pq = new LinkedPriorityQueue(); // create new queue list
 Node item;
 pq.insert("Babu", 3);
 pq.insert("Nitin", 2);
 pq.insert("Laxmi", 2);
 pq.insert("Kim", 1);
 pq.insert("Jimmy", 3);
 item = pq.delete();
 if( item != null )
 System.out.println("delete():" +
 + "(" +item.prn+")");
 pq.insert("Scot", 2);
 pq.insert("Anu", 1);
 pq.insert("Lehar", 4);
 Output of this program is:
 Queue: Kim(1) Nitin(2) Laxmi(2) Babu(3) Jimmy(3)
 delete(): Kim(1)
 Queue: Nitin(2) Laxmi(2) Babu(3) Jimmy(3)
 Queue: Anu(1) Nitin(2) Laxmi(2) Scot(2) Babu(3) Jimmy(3) Lehar(4)Binary Trees
A binary tree is a special form of a tree. A binary tree is more important and frequently used in various
applications of computer science. When binary trees are in sorted form, they facilitate quick search,
insertion and deletion.
A binary tree is either empty, or it consists of a node called the root together with two binary trees
called the left subtree or the right subtree of the root. This definition is that of a mathematical
structure. To specify binary trees as an abstract data type, we must state what operations can be
performed on binary trees.
Binary Tree Traversals
24. Write Java programs that use recursive and non-recursive functions to traverse the given
binary tree in
(a) Preorder
(b) Inorder, and
(c) Postorder.
Java Program - Binary Tree
We now implement a Java program for the following operations on binary trees:
• Representation of binary tree: a single array represents the node data linearly – this array is the
input for building the binary tree.
• Linked implementation of binary tree in memory: binary tree is being built by reading the node
data. In the process, the object reference of the tree root is saved - this is very important to do any
further tree operations.
• Traversals: inorder, preorder and postorder traversals are performed recursively and iteratively;
and their linear orders are printed.
The buildTree() method
This is a recursive method that builds a linked binary tree. It uses input node data which is represented
as a linear array (null links are added to complete the tree).
Array representation of a binary tree
E C G A D F H x B x x x x x x x x x x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2
x B x x
x x
x x x x
x x
3 4 5 6
7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14
x indicates null
15 16 17  5. Binary Trees

The buildTree() method takes the index of the array as an input parameter. Initially, the index is
0 (root node). The method calls recursively with updated index – for left child, the index is
(2*index+1) and for right child, it is (2*index+2). The routine in Java is as follows:
public Node buildTree( int index )
 { Node p = null; // ‘p’ refers to current node
 if( tree[index] != null )
 { p = new Node(tree[index]); // create a node from array data
 // call buildTree() to create a left node
p.left = buildTree(2*index+1);
// call buildTree() to create a right node
 p.right = buildTree(2*index+2);
 return p;
 The recursive algorithms for tree traversals are simple and easy. The non-recursive algorithms use
stack to temporarily hold the addresses of nodes for further processing.
 Given a binary tree whose root node address is given by a reference variable root and whose
structure is {left, data, right}. The left and right are reference variables referring to left and right
subtrees respectively. We define another data structure stack that is used to save node reference as the
tree is traversed. The stack is an array of nodes that stores the node addresses of the tree. The reference
variable p denotes the current node in the tree.
 The iterative inorder and postorder traversals are straight forward, whereas the postorder traversal
is complicated. In non-recursive postorder traversal, we may have to save a node twice in two different
Program 24 implements the binary tree traversals recursively and iteratively.
Program 24: Binary Tree Traversals
class Node
{ Object data;
 Node left;
 Node right;
 Node( Object d ) // constructor
 { data = d; }
class BinaryTree
 Object tree[];
 int maxSize;
 java.util.Stack<Node> stk = new java.util.Stack<Node>();
 BinaryTree( Object a[], int n ) // constructor
 { maxSize = n;
 tree = new Object[maxSize];
 for( int i=0; i<maxSize; i++ )
 tree[i] = a[i];
 public Node buildTree( int index )
 { Node p = null;
 if( tree[index] != null )
 { p = new Node(tree[index]); 58 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 p.left = buildTree(2*index+1);
 p.right = buildTree(2*index+2);
 return p;
 /* Recursive methods - Binary tree traversals */
 public void inorder(Node p)
 if( p != null )
 System.out.print( + " ");
 public void preorder(Node p)
 if( p != null )
 System.out.print( + " ");
 public void postorder(Node p)
 if( p != null )
 System.out.print( + " ");
 /* Non-recursive methods - Binary tree traversals */
 public void preorderIterative(Node p)
 if(p == null )
 { System.out.println("Tree is empty");
 while( !stk.isEmpty() )
 p = stk.pop();
 if( p != null )
 System.out.print( + " ");
 public void inorderIterative(Node p)
 if(p == null )
 { System.out.println("Tree is empty");
 return;  5. Binary Trees

 while( !stk.isEmpty() || p != null )
 if( p != null )
 { stk.push(p); // push left-most path onto stack
 p = p.left;
 p = stk.pop(); // assign popped node to p
 System.out.print( + " "); // print node data
 p = p.right; // move p to right subtree
 public void postorderIterative(Node p)
 if(p == null )
 { System.out.println("Tree is empty");
 Node tmp = p;
 while( p != null )
 while( p.left != null )
 { stk.push(p);
 p = p.left;
 while( p != null && (p.right == null || p.right == tmp ))
 { System.out.print( + " "); // print node data
 tmp = p;
 if( stk.isEmpty() )
 p = stk.pop();

 p = p.right;
} // end of BinaryTree class
//////////////////////// //////////////////////
class BinaryTreeDemo
 public static void main(String args[])
 Object arr[] = {'E', 'C', 'G', 'A', 'D', 'F', 'H',
 null,'B', null, null, null, null,
 null, null, null, null, null, null};
 BinaryTree t = new BinaryTree( arr, arr.length );
 Node root = t.buildTree(0); // buildTree() returns reference to root
 System.out.print("\n Recursive Binary Tree Traversals:");
 System.out.print("\n inorder: ");
 t.inorder(root); 60 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 System.out.print("\n preorder: ");
 System.out.print("\n postorder: ");
 System.out.print("\n Non-recursive Binary Tree Traversals:");
 System.out.print("\n inorder: ");
 System.out.print("\n preorder: ");
 System.out.print("\n postorder: ");
Output of this binary tree program is:
Recursive Binary Tree Traversals:
 inorder: A B C D E F G H
 preorder: E C A B D G F H
 postorder: B A D C F H G E
 Non-recursive Binary Tree Traversals:
 inorder: A B C D E F G H
 preorder: E C A B D G F H
 postorder: B A D C F H G E
Level Order Traversal
25. Write a Java program that displays node values in a level order traversal (Traverse the tree
one level at a time, starting at the root node) for a binary tree.
Traverse a binary tree level by level. That is, the root is visited first, then the immediate children of the
root (from left to right), then grandchildren of the root (from left to right), and so on. The algorithm
uses a queue to keep track of the children of a node until it is time to visit them. This algorithm is also
known as breadth-first traversal.
1. Initialize a queue.
2. Insert the root into the queue.
3. Repeat steps 4 to 7 until the queue is empty.
4. Delete the node from the queue.
5. Process the node being deleted.
6. If the left child of node exists (is not null), insert it into the queue.
 7. If the right child of node exists (is not null), insert it into the queue  5. Binary Trees

Program 25: Level order traversal
class Node
 Object data;
 Node left;
 Node right;
 Node( Object d ) // constructor
 { data = d; }
class BinaryTree
{ Object tree[];
 int maxSize;
 java.util.LinkedList<Node> que =
 new java.util.LinkedList<Node>();
 BinaryTree( Object a[], int n ) // constructor
 { maxSize = n;
 tree = new Object[maxSize];
 for( int i=0; i<maxSize; i++ )
 tree[i] = a[i];
 public Node buildTree( int index )
 { Node p = null;
 if( tree[index] != null )
 { p = new Node(tree[index]);
 p.left = buildTree(2*index+1);
 p.right = buildTree(2*index+2);
 return p;
 public void levelorder(Node p)
 while( !que.isEmpty() )
 p = que.removeFirst();
 System.out.print( + " ");
 if(p.left != null)
 if(p.right != null)
} // end of BinaryTree class
//////////////////////// //////////////////////
class LevelOrderTraversal
 public static void main(String args[])
 Object arr[] = {'E', 'C', 'G', 'A', 'D', 'F', 'H',
 null,'B', null, null, null, null,
 null, null, null, null, null, null};
 BinaryTree t = new BinaryTree( arr, arr.length );
 Node root = t.buildTree(0); // buildTree() returns reference to root 62 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 System.out.print("\n Level Order Tree Traversal: ");

Output of this program is:
Level Order Tree Traversal: E C G A D F H B Search Trees
26. Write a Java program that uses recursive functions.
(a) To create a binary search tree.
(b) To count the number of leaf nodes.
(c) To copy the above binary search tree.
27. Write a Java program to perform the following operations:
(a) Insert an element into a binary search tree.
(b) Delete an element from a binary search tree.
(c) Search for a key element in a binary search tree.
Binary Search Tree
A binary search tree is a binary tree that is either empty or in which every node contains a key and
satisfies the conditions:
(1) The key in the left child of a node (if it exists) is less than the key in its parent node.
(2) The key in the right child of a node (if it exists) is greater than the key in its parent node.
(3) The left and right subtrees of the root are again binary search trees.
The first two properties describe the ordering relative to the key in the root node, and that the third
property extends them to all nodes in the tree; hence we can continue to use the recursive structure of
the binary tree. After we examine the root of the tree, we shall move to either its left or right subtree,
and this subtree is again a binary search tree. Thus we can use the same method again on this smaller
tree. This definition assumes that no duplicate keys are permitted.
10 20
50 60
Program 26 & 27: Binary search tree operations
class BSTNode
 int data;
 BSTNode left;
 BSTNode right;
 BSTNode( int d ) // constructor
 { data = d; }
class BinarySearchTree
{ 64 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 public BSTNode insertTree(BSTNode p, int key) // create BST
 if( p == null )
 p = new BSTNode(key);
 else if( key <
 p.left = insertTree( p.left, key);
 else p.right = insertTree( p.right, key);
 return p; // return root

 public BSTNode search(BSTNode root, int key)
 BSTNode p = root; // initialize p with root
 while( p != null )
 { if( key == ) return p;
 else if( key < ) p = p.left;
 else p = p.right;
 return null;

 public int leafNodes(BSTNode p)
 int count = 0;
 if( p != null)
 { if((p.left == null) && (p.right == null))
 count = 1;
 count = count + leafNodes(p.left)
 + leafNodes(p.right);
 return count;

 public BSTNode deleteTree(BSTNode root, int key)
 BSTNode p; // refer to node to be deleted
 BSTNode parent = root; // refer to parent of node to be deleted
 BSTNode inorderSucc; //refer to inorder succ. of node to be deleted
 if(root == null)
 { System.out.println("Tree is empty");
 return null;
 p = root; // initialize p with root
 /* find node being deleted & its parent */
 while( p != null && != key)
 { parent = p;
 if( key < p = p.left;
 else p = p.right;
 if( p == null )
 { System.out.println("\n Node " + key + " not found for deletion");
 return null;
 /* find inorder successor of the node being deleted and its parent */  6. Search Trees

 if(p.left != null && p.right != null) // case-3
 { parent = p;
 inorderSucc = p.right;
 while(inorderSucc.left != null)
 parent = inorderSucc;
 inorderSucc = inorderSucc.left;
 } =;
 p = inorderSucc;
 if(p.left == null && p.right == null) // case-1
 if( parent.left == p ) parent.left = null;
 else parent.right = null;
 if(p.left == null && p.right != null) // case-2(a)
 if(parent.left == p) parent.left = p.right;
 else parent.right = p.right;
 if(p.left != null && p.right == null) // case-2(b)
 if(parent.left == p) parent.left = p.left;
 else parent.right = p.left;
 return root;
 public void inorder(BSTNode p) // 'p' starts with root
 { if( p != null )
 { inorder(p.left);
 System.out.print( + " ");
 public void preorder(BSTNode p)
 { if( p != null )
 { System.out.print( + " ");
 public void postorder(BSTNode p)
 { if( p != null )
 { postorder(p.left);
 System.out.print( + " ");

} // end of BinarySearchTree class
////////////////////// ////////////////////
class BinarySearchTreeDemo
{ public static void main(String args[])
 int arr[] = { 45, 25, 15, 10, 20, 30, 65, 55, 50, 60, 75, 80 };
 BinarySearchTree bst = new BinarySearchTree(); 66 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 BSTNode root = null;
 // build tree by repeated insertions
 for( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
 root = bst.insertTree( root, arr[i]);

 BSTNode root2 = root; // copy BST
 int key = 66;
 BSTNode item =, key);
 if( item != null )
 System.out.print("\n item found: " +;
 else System.out.print("\n Node " + key + " not found");
 System.out.print("\n Number of leaf nodes: " + bst.leafNodes(root));

 System.out.print("\n Inorder: ");
 System.out.print("\n Preorder: ");
 System.out.print("\n Postorder: ");
 key = 55; // delete 55
 bst.deleteTree(root, key);
 System.out.print("\n Inorder, after deletion of " + key + ": ");
 key = 44; // insert 44
 bst.insertTree(root, key);
 System.out.print("\n Inorder, after insertion of " + key + ": ");
Output of this program is as follows:
Node 66 not found
 Number of leaf nodes: 6
 Inorder: 10 15 20 25 30 45 50 55 60 65 75 80
 Preorder: 45 25 15 10 20 30 65 55 50 60 75 80
 Postorder: 10 20 15 30 25 50 60 55 80 75 65 45
 Inorder, after deletion of 55: 10 15 20 25 30 45 50 60 65 75 80
 Inorder, after insertion of 44: 10 15 20 25 30 44 45 50 60 65 75 80

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