Data structures throw java Lab Programs Last part

         Data structures throw java Lab Programs Last part

Program 30(b): Dictionary operations using java.util.Hashtable
import java.util.*;
class HashtableDemo
{ public static void main(String[] args)
 Hashtable<String, String> htab = new Hashtable<String, String>();
 // Insert the following items
 htab.put("man", "gentleman");
 htab.put("watch", "observe");
 htab.put("hope", "expect"); 80 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 htab.put("arrange", "put together");
 htab.put("run", "sprint");
 htab.put("wish", "desire");
 htab.put("help", "lend a hand");
 htab.put("insert", "put in");
 htab.put("count", "add up");
 htab.put("format", "arrangement");
 System.out.println(htab); // Display the table items
 System.out.println("get(hope): " + htab.get("hope"));
 System.out.println("remove(arrange): " + htab.remove("arrange"));
 System.out.println("remove(help): " + htab.remove("help"));
 // returns a set containing all the pairs (key, value).
{ arrange=put together, man=gentleman, wish=desire, run=sprint, help=lend a
 hand, count=add up, watch=observe, hope=expect, format=arrangement,
 insert=put in }
 get(hope): expect
 remove(arrange): put together
 remove(help): lend a hand
[ man=gentleman, wish=desire, run=sprint, count=add up, watch=observe,
 hope=expect, format=arrangement, insert=put in ] Graphs
31. Write Java programs for the implementation of bfs and dfs for a given graph.
Note: Refer chapter 16: Graphs for more detailed discussion.
Graph Traversals
A primary problem concerning the graphs is the reachability. A number of graph problems involve
traversal of a graph. Traversal of a graph means visiting each of its nodes exactly once. This is
accomplished by visiting the nodes in a systematic manner. Two commonly used techniques of graph
traversal are depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS). These algorithms work for both
directed and undirected graphs.
Depth-First Search
Depth-first search is a generalization of the preorder traversal of a tree. DFS can serve as a structure
around which many other efficient graph algorithms can be built.
As an example of dfs, suppose in the graph of the following figure, we start at node A. A
complete program listing is given in Program 31(a).
Program 31(a): Depth-First Search
class Node
{ int label; // vertex label
 Node next; // next node in list
 Node( int b ) // constructor
 { label = b; }
class Graph
{ int size;
 Node adjList[];
 int mark[];
 Graph(int n) // constructor
 { size = n;
A 0 1 0 1 1
B 1 0 1 1 0
C 0 1 0 1 1
D 1 1 1 0 0
E 1 0 1 0 0
Undirected Graph Adjacency list
Adjacency matrix82 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 adjList = new Node[size];
 mark = new int[size]; // elements of mark are initialized to 0
 public void createAdjList(int a[][]) // create adjacent lists
 Node p; int i, k;

 for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
 { p = adjList[i] = new Node(i); //create first node of ith adj. list
 for( k = 0; k < size; k++ )
 { if( a[i][k] == 1 )
 { = new Node(k); // create next node of ith adj. list
 p =;
 public void dfs(int head) // recursive depth-first search
 { Node w; int v;
 mark[head] = 1;
 System.out.print( head + " ");
 w = adjList[head];
 while( w != null)
 { v = w.label;
 if( mark[v] == 0 ) dfs(v);
 w =;
///////////////////////// ////////////////////////
class DfsDemo
{ public static void main(String[] args)
 { Graph g = new Graph(5); // graph is created with 5 nodes
 int a[][] = { {0,1,0,1,1}, {1,0,1,1,0}, {0,1,0,1,1},
 {1,1,1,0,0}, {1,0,1,0,0}};
 g.dfs(0); // starting node to dfs is 0 (i.e., A)
Output of this program is: 0 1 2 3 4
Here, 0 is for A, 1 is for B, 2 is for C, 3 is for D, and 4 is for E
Breadth-First Search
Another systematic way of visiting the nodes is called breadth-first search (bfs). The approach is called
“breadth-first” because from each node v that we visit we search as broadly as possible by next visiting all
nodes adjacent to v.
The breadthFirstSearch algorithm inserts a node into a queue, which we assume is initially empty.
Every entry in the array mark is assumed to be initialized to the value unvisited. If the graph is not
connected, bfs must be called on a node of each connected component. Note that in bfs we must mark a
node visited before inserting it into the queue, to avoid placing it on the queue more than once. The
algorithm terminates when the queue becomes empty.  8. Graphs

We assume the graph is represented by an adjacency list and is globally available. The algorithm
depends on the availability of an implementation of a queue of integers (here, a simple queue is assumed;
not circular queue). Three methods relating to queue: qinsert(), qdelete(), and isEmpty() are to be properly
defined before the method for bfs is defined.
Program 31(b): Breadth-First Search
class Node
{ int label; // vertex label
 Node next; // next node in list
 Node( int b ) // constructor
 { label = b; }
class Graph
{ int size;
 Node adjList[];
 int mark[];
 Graph(int n) // constructor
 { size = n;
 adjList = new Node[size];
 mark = new int[size];
 public void createAdjList(int a[][]) // create adjacent lists
 { Node p; int i, k;
 for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
 { p = adjList[i] = new Node(i);

 for( k = 0; k < size; k++ )
 { if( a[i][k] == 1 )
 { = new Node(k);
 p =;
 } // end of inner for-loop
} // end of outer for-loop
 } // end of createAdjList()
 public void bfs(int head)
 { int v; Node adj;
 Queue q = new Queue(size);
 v = head;
 mark[v] = 1;
 System.out.print(v + " ");
 while( !q.IsEmpty() ) // while(queue not empty)
 v = q.qdelete();
 adj = adjList[v];
 while( adj != null )
 { v = adj.label;

 if( mark[v] == 0 )
 { q.qinsert(v);
 mark[v] = 1;
 System.out.print(v + " ");
 } 84 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 adj =;
} // end of Graph class
class Queue
{ private int maxSize; // max queue size
 private int[] que; // que is an array of integers
 private int front;
 private int rear;
 private int count; // count of items in queue
 public Queue(int s) // constructor
 { maxSize = s;
 que = new int[maxSize];
 front = rear = -1;
public void qinsert(int item)
 { if( rear == maxSize-1 )
 System.out.println("Queue is Full");
 else { rear = rear + 1;
 que[rear] = item;
 if( front == -1 ) front = 0;
public int qdelete()
 { int item;
 if( IsEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("\n Queue is Empty");
 item = que[front];
 if( front == rear ) front = rear = -1;
 else front = front+1;
 public boolean IsEmpty()
 { return( front == -1 ); }
} // end of Queue class
class BfsDemo
{ public static void main(String[] args)
 { Graph g = new Graph(5);
 int a[][] = { {0,1,0,1,1}, {1,0,1,1,0}, {0,1,0,1,1},
 {1,1,1,0,0}, {1,0,1,0,0}};
Output of this program is: 0 1 3 4 2Sorting
32. Write Java programs for implementing the following sorting methods:
(a) Bubble sort
(b) Selection sort
(c) Insertion sort
(d) Quick sort
(e) Merge sort
(f) Heap sort
(g) Radix sort
(h) Binary tree sort
As soon as you create an important database, you will probably think of reasons to sort it in various
ways. You need to arrange names in alphabetical order, students by marks, customers by pin code,
cities in order of increasing population, countries by GNP, and so on.
Sorting data may also be a preliminary step to searching it. As we saw in the previous chapter, a
binary search, which can be applied only to sorted data, is much faster than a linear search.
Because sorting is so important and potentially so time-consuming, it has been the subject of
extensive research in computer science, and some very sophisticated methods have been developed.
First we will look at three of the simpler algorithms: the bubble sort, the selection sort, and the
insertion sort. Besides being easier to understand, they are actually better in some circumstances than
the more sophisticated algorithms. The insertion sort, for example, is preferable to quick sort for small
files and for almost-sorted files. In fact, an insertion sort is commonly used as a part of a quick sort
Bubble Sort
The familiar sorting procedure is the bubble sort (exchange sort). This is the widely known among
beginning students of programming and easy to understand and program. Of course, it is probably the
least efficient.
We consider an array, ai of size, n. When this approach is used, there are at most n-1 passes are
required. During the first pass, a0 and a1 are compared, and if they are out of order, then a0 and a1 are
interchanged; this process is repeated for a1 and a2, a2 and a3, and so on. This method will cause small
elements to move or “bubble up”. After the first pass, the array with the largest element will be in the
position n-1 (last location). On each successive pass, the array with the next largest element will be
placed in position n-2, n-3,.., 1, respectively, thereby resulting in a sorted array.
After each pass through the array, a check can be made to determine whether any interchanges
were made during that pass. If no interchanges occurred, then the array must be sorted and no further
passes are required. An example of bubble sort for the array {27, 49, 35, 37, 15, 75, 63, 65} is
illustrated in the Table 9.1.
Program 9(a): Bubble Sort
void bubbleSort(Object[] a)
 int i, pass, exch, n = a.length;
 Object tmp;
 for( pass = 0; pass < n; pass++ )
 { exch = 0; 86 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 for( i = 0; i < n-pass-1; i++ )
 if( ((Comparable)a[i]).compareTo(a[i+1]) > 0)
 { tmp = a[i];
 a[i] = a[i+1];
 a[i+1] = tmp;
 if( exch == 0 ) return; // sorting finished – return early
 Table 9.1: Trace of Bubble sort (elements to be interchanged are shown in red colour)
pass 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Process
- 27 49 35 37 15 75 63 65 Original array
1 27 35 49 37 15 75 63 65 49, 35 interchanged
1 27 35 37 49 15 75 63 65 49, 37 interchanged
1 27 35 37 15 49 75 63 65 49, 15 interchanged
1 27 35 37 15 49 63 75 65 75, 63 interchanged
1 27 35 37 15 49 63 65 75 75, 65 interchanged
2 27 35 15 37 49 63 65 75 37, 15 interchanged
3 27 15 35 37 49 63 65 75 35, 15 interchanged
4 15 27 35 37 49 63 65 75 27, 15 interchanged
Selection Sort
One of the easiest ways to sort a list is by selection. Beginning with the first element in the array, a
search is performed to locate the smallest element. When this item is found, it is exchanged with the
first element. This interchange places the smallest element in the first position of the array. A search
for the second smallest element is then carried out. Examining the items from second position onward
does this. The smallest element is exchanged with the item in second position. This process continues
until all elements of the array have been sorted in ascending order. The following is the selection sort
 An example of the selection sort is given in the Table 9.2. The second row (pass 0) of the table
shows the original unordered array.
 Table 9.2: Trace of Selection sort (elements to be interchanged are shown in red colour)
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pass min a[pass] a[min] swap a[pass], a[min]
49 27 65 37 15 75 63 60 0 4 49 15 49, 15
15 27 65 37 49 75 63 60 1 1 27 27 min = pass
no exchange
15 27 65 37 49 75 63 60 2 3 65 37 65, 37
15 27 37 65 49 75 63 60 3 4 65 49 65, 49
15 27 37 49 65 75 63 60 4 7 65 60 65, 60
15 27 37 49 60 75 63 65 5 6 75 63 75, 63
15 27 37 49 60 63 75 65 6 7 75 65 75, 65
15 27 37 49 60 63 65 75 Sorted list  9. Sorting

Program 9(b): Selection Sort
class SelectionSortDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 int[] arr = { 49, 27, 65, 37, 15, 75, 63, 60 };

 System.out.print("\n Unsorted array: ");
 display( arr );
 selectionSort( arr );
 System.out.print("\n Sorted array: ");
 display( arr );
 static void selectionSort( int a[] )
 int n = a.length;
 for( int pass = 0; pass < n-1; pass++ )
 int min = pass;
 for( int i = pass+1; i < n; i++ )
 if( a[i] < a[min] ) min = i;
 if( min != pass )
 int tmp = a[min];
 a[min] = a[pass];
 a[pass] = tmp;

 static void display( int a[] )
 for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
 System.out.print( a[i] + " " );
Following output is generated from this program:
 Unsorted array: 49 27 65 37 15 75 63 60
 Sorted array: 15 27 37 49 60 63 65 75
Insertion Sort
Insertion sort works very fast on small size arrays. The insertion sort procedure scans array, a from
a[0] to a[n-1], inserting each element a[j] into its proper position in the previously sorted sub-array
a[0], a[1], …, a[j-1]. We consider an array of six elements shown in Table 9.3. 88 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
Table 9.3: Trace of Insertion Sort (inserted elements are shown in red)
pass a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4] a[5] Process
65 50 30 35 25 45 Original array
1 50 65 30 35 25 45 50 is inserted
2 30 50 65 35 25 45 30 is inserted
3 30 35 50 65 25 45 35 is inserted
4 25 30 35 50 65 45 25 is inserted
5 25 30 35 45 50 65 45 is inserted
Program 9(c): Insertion sort method
void insertionSort(Object a[])
 int i, j, n = a.length;
 Object item;
 for( j = 1; j < n; j++ ) // repeat loop starting from a[1] to a[n-1]
 { item = a[j]; // element to be inserted
 i = j-1;
 while( i >= 0 && ((Comparable)item).compareTo(a[i]) < 0)
 a[i+1] = a[i]; // shift element to the right
 i = i-1;
 a[i+1] = item; // insert element in proper position
Quick Sort
The algorithm solely depends on the data it receives. If the data has certain properties, quick sort is one
of the fastest, if not; quick sort can be very slow. Quick sort can perform quite fast, on average about
O(n log n), but its worst case is a degrading O(n2
). For quick sort, the worst case is usually when the
data is already sorted.
 Quick sort is naturally recursive. We partition the array into two sub-arrays, and then re-start the
algorithm on each of these sub-arrays. The partition procedure involves choosing some object (usually,
already in the array); If some other object is greater than the chosen object, it is added to one of the
sub-arrays, if it is less than the chosen object, it is added to another sub-array. Thus, the entire array is
partitioned into two sub-arrays, with one sub-array having everything that is larger than the chosen
object, and the other sub-array having everything that is smaller.
 Variable a is an integer array of size, n. The left and right invoke procedure and they are initialized
with 0 and n -1 respectively; and are the current lower and upper bounds of the sub-arrays. The indices
newleft and newright are used to select certain elements during the processing of each sub-array.
Variable amid is the element which is placed in its final location in the array.
 Index left scans the list from left to right, and index right scans the list from right to left. A swap is
performed when left is at an element larger than the pivot and right is at an element smaller than the  9. Sorting

pivot. A final swap with the pivot completes the divide step. The pivot element is placed in its final
proper position in the array. We take the pivot as the middle element of the array (or sub-array). Table
9.4 illustrates the trace of Quick sort.
Program 9(d): Quick Sort
class QuickSortDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 int[] arr = { 65, 35, 15, 90, 75, 45,40, 60, 95, 25, 85, 55 };
 System.out.print("\n Unsorted array: ");
 display( arr );
 quickSort( arr, 0, arr.length-1 );
 System.out.print("\n Sorted array: ");
 display( arr );
 static void quickSort(int a[], int left, int right)
 int newleft = left, newright = right;
 int amid, tmp;
 amid = a[(left + right)/2]; // pivot is amid
 do // do-while-loop
 while( (a[newleft] < amid) && (newleft < right))

 while( (amid < a[newright]) && (newright > left))
 if(newleft <= newright)
 { tmp = a[newleft];
 a[newleft] = a[newright];
 a[newright] = tmp;
 newleft++; newright--;
 } while(newleft <= newright); // end of do-while-loop
 if(left < newright) quickSort(a, left, newright);
 if(newleft < right) quickSort(a, newleft, right);
 static void display( int a[] )
 for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
 System.out.print( a[i] + " " );
 Unsorted array: 65 35 15 90 75 45 40 60 95 25 85 55
 Sorted array: 15 25 35 40 45 55 60 65 75 85 90 95 90 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
Table 9.4: Trace of Quick sort
step a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 left right pivot
0 65 35 15 90 75 45 40 60 95 25 85 55 0 11 45
1 25 35 15 40 45 75 90 60 95 65 85 55 0 4 15
2 15 35 25 40 45 75 90 60 95 65 85 55 1 4 25
3 15 25 35 40 45 75 90 60 95 65 85 55 2 4 40
4 15 25 35 40 45 75 90 60 95 65 85 55 5 11 95
5 15 25 35 40 45 75 90 60 55 65 85 95 5 10 60
6 15 25 35 40 45 55 60 90 75 65 85 95 5 6 55
7 15 25 35 40 45 55 60 90 75 65 85 95 7 10 75
8 15 25 35 40 45 55 60 65 75 90 85 95 9 10 90
9 15 25 35 40 45 55 60 65 75 85 90 95 sorted array
Merge Sort
Merging is the combination of two or more sorted arrays (or sequences) into a single sorted array.
Following figure illustrates the basic, two-way merge operation. In a two-way merge, two sorted
sequences are merged into one. Clearly, two sorted sequences each of length n can be merged into a
sorted sequence of length 2n in O(2n)=O(n) steps. However in order to do this, we need space in which
to store the result. That is, it is not possible to merge the two sequences in place in O(n) steps.
Sorting by merging is a recursive, divide-and-conquer strategy. In the base case, we have a sequence
with exactly one element in it. Since such a sequence is already sorted, there is nothing to be done. To
sort a sequence of n >1 elements:
• Divide the sequence into two sequences of length n 2/ and n 2/ ;
• Recursively sort each of the two subsequences; and then,
• Merge the sorted subsequences to obtain the final result.
Following figure illustrates the operation of the two-way merge sort algorithm. We assume to sort the
given array a[n] into ascending order. We split it into two subarrays: a[0]…a[n/2] and
a[(n/2)+1]…a[n-1]. Each subarray is individually sorted, and the resulting sorted subarrays are merged
to produce a single sorted array of n elements. Consider an array of nine elements: {75, 40, 10, 90, 50,
95, 55, 15, 65}. The sort() method divides the array into subarrays and merges them into sorted
subarrays by merge() method as illustrated in the figure (Dashed-line arrows indicate the process of
splitting and the regular arrows the merging process).
10 40 50 75 90
15 55 65
10 15 40 50 55 65 75 90 95
95  9. Sorting

Program 9(e): Merge sort
class MergeSort
{ int[] a;
 int[] tmp;
 MergeSort(int[] arr)
 { a = arr;
 tmp = new int[a.length];
 void msort()
 { sort(0, a.length-1); }
 void sort(int left, int right)
 if(left < right)
 int mid = (left+right)/2;
 sort(left, mid);
 sort(mid+1, right);
 merge(left, mid, right);
 void merge(int left, int mid, int right)
 { int i = left;
 int j = left;
 int k = mid+1;
 while( j <= mid && k <= right )
 if(a[j] < a[k])
 tmp[i++] = a[j++];
 tmp[i++] = a[k++];
 while( j <= mid )
 tmp[i++] = a[j++];
 for(i=left; i < k; i++)
 a[i] = tmp[i];
//////////////////// ///////////////////////
class MergeSortDemo
{ public static void main(String[] args)
 { int[] arr = {75, 40, 10, 90, 50, 95, 55, 15, 65};
 MergeSort ms = new MergeSort(arr);
 System.out.print("Sorted array:");
 for( int i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
 System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");

Output of this program is:
 Sorted array: 10 15 40 50 55 65 75 90 95 92 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
Heap Sort
The efficiency of the heap data structure provides itself to a surprisingly simple and very efficient
sorting algorithm called heapsort. The heap sort algorithm uses a heap tree to sort an array either in
ascending or descending order. It consists of two phases:
1. Using unsorted data array, build the heap by repeatedly inserting each element into the heap.
2. Remove the top element (item at the root) from the heap, and place it in the last location of
the array. Rebuild the heap from the remaining elements of the array. This process is repeated
until all items from the heap are deleted. Finally, the array is in sorted order.

A heap is a complete binary tree such that the root is the largest item (max-heap). The ordering in
a heap is top-down, but not left-to-right. Each root is greater than or equal to each of its children, but
some left siblings may be greater than their right siblings and some may be less. Since heaps are
typically stored as arrays, we can apply the heap operations to an array of integers. We illustrate the
operations as though they are being performed on binary trees, while they are really defined for the
arrays that represent them by natural mapping.
Program 9(f): Heap sort
class Heap
{ int[] a; // heap array
 int maxSize; // size of array
 int currentSize; // number of nodes in array
 public Heap(int m) // constructor
 { maxSize = m;
 currentSize = 0;
 a = new int[maxSize]; // create heap array

 public boolean insert(int key)
 if(currentSize == maxSize) // if array is full,
 return false; // return without insertion
 a[currentSize] = key; // store the key in the heap array
 moveUp(currentSize++); // move it up
 return true; // insertion is successful
 public void moveUp(int index)
 { int parent = (index-1)/2;
 int bottom = a[index];
 while(index > 0 && a[parent] < bottom)
 { a[index] = a[parent]; // move node down
 index = parent; // move index up
 parent = (parent-1)/2; // parent <<< its parent
 a[index] = bottom;
 }  9. Sorting

 public int remove()
 if( isEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("Heap is empty");
 return -1;
 int root = a[0]; // save the root
 a[0] = a[--currentSize]; // root <<< last node
 moveDown(0); // move down the root
 return root; // return deleted item
 public void moveDown(int index)
 { int largerChild;
 int top = a[index]; // save root in top
 while(index < currentSize/2) // while node has at least one child
 { int leftChild = 2*index+1;
 int rightChild = 2*index+2;
 // find larger child
 if(rightChild<currentSize && a[leftChild]<a[rightChild])
 largerChild = rightChild;
 largerChild = leftChild;
 if(top >= a[largerChild]) break;
 a[index] = a[largerChild]; // shift child up
 index = largerChild; // go down
 a[index] = top; // root to index
 public boolean isEmpty()
 { return currentSize==0; }
 public void displayHeap(int[] a)
 { for(int i=0; i < maxSize; i++)
 System.out.print(" [" + i + "] ");

 for(int i=0; i < maxSize; i++)
 System.out.print(" " + a[i] + " ");
//////////////////////// ///////////////////////
class HeapsortDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 int[] arr = { 50, 20, 30, 10, 40, 70, 60 }; 94 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 Heap h = new Heap(arr.length); // create a Heap
 // Build heap by repeated insertions
 for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)

 // delete and copy heap’s top item
 for( int i = arr.length-1; i >= 0; i-- )
 arr[i] = h.remove();

 System.out.println("\nSorted array: ");
 Sorted array:
 [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Radix Sort
This sorting algorithm is known as least-significant-digit-first radix sorting. Radix sorting is practical
for much larger universal sets. Radix sorting can be used when each element of the universal set can be
viewed as a sequence of digits (or letters or any other symbols).
An implementation of radix sort follows. The integer radix is assigned a value 10 and integer
maxDigits is also assigned the maximum number of digits for the maximum element of the array.
This algorithm does not depend on comparison of array elements. For each array element, two
operations are performed:
(1) To get the significant digit (m) of the number, the array element is divided by the divisor, and
division modulo radix(10).
(2) This array element is inserted in the mth queue.

In each pass, all array elements are added to the queues, and then the elements are deleted from all
the queues and stored back to array. The method requires additional space for queues. The ten queues
are implemented by linked lists using java.util.LinkedList class.
Program 9(g): Radix sort
class RadixSortDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 int[] a = { 3305, 99, 52367, 125, 10, 12345, 7, 35, 7509, 3, 345 };
 radixSort(a, 10, 5);
 System.out.println("Sorted list: ");  9. Sorting

 for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
 System.out.print( a[i] + " ");

static void radixSort(int[] arr, int radix, int maxDigits)
 int d, j, k, m, divisor;
 java.util.LinkedList[] queue
 = new java.util.LinkedList[radix];

 for( d = 0; d < radix; d++ )
 queue[d] = new java.util.LinkedList();
 divisor = 1;

 for(d = 1; d <= maxDigits; d++) // Pass: 1, 2, 3, . . .
 for(j = 0; j < arr.length; j++)
 m = (arr[j]/divisor) % radix;
 queue[m].addLast(new Integer(arr[j]));

 divisor = divisor*radix; // 1, 10, 100, ...

 for(j = k = 0; j < radix; j++)
 while( !queue[j].isEmpty())
 arr[k++] = (Integer)queue[j].removeFirst();
Sorted list:
3 7 10 35 99 125 345 3305 7509 12345 52367
Binary Tree Sort
When we traverse a binary search tree in inorder, the keys will come out in sorted order. In tree sort,
We take the array to be sorted, use the method buildTree() to construct the array elements into a
binary search tree, and use inorder traversal to put them out in sorted order.
Program 9(h): Binary Tree Sort
class BSTNode
{ int data;
 BSTNode left;
 BSTNode right;
 BSTNode( int d ) // constructor
 { data = d; }
} 96 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
class BinarySearchTree
 int i;
 int[] a;
 BSTNode root;
 BinarySearchTree(int[] arr) // constructor
 a = new int[arr.length];
 a = arr;

 private void buildTree()
 for( i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
 root = insertTree( root, a[i] );
 private BSTNode insertTree(BSTNode p, int key)
 if( p == null )
 p = new BSTNode(key);
 else if( key <
 p.left = insertTree( p.left, key);
 else p.right = insertTree( p.right, key);
 return p;
 public void treeSort()
 i = 0;
 private void inorder(BSTNode p) // 'p' starts with root
 if( p != null )
 { inorder(p.left);
 a[i++] =;
 public void display()
 for( i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
 System.out.print(a[i] + " " );
//////////////////////// //////////////////////////
class TreeSortDemo
 public static void main(String args[])
 int arr[] = { 55, 22, 99, 77, 11, 88, 44, 66, 33 };
 BinarySearchTree bst = new BinarySearchTree(arr);  9. Sorting


 System.out.print("Sorted array: ");

 Sorted array: 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 KMP Algorithm
33. Write a Java program for implementing KMP pattern matching algorithm.
The KMP algorithm compares the pattern to the text in left-to-right, but shifts the pattern, P more
intelligently than the brute-force algorithm. When a mismatch occurs, what is the most we can shift the
pattern so as to avoid redundant comparisons. The answer is that the largest prefix of P[0..j] that is a
suffix of P[1..j].
Program 33: KMP pattern matching
class KMPDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 String P = "SSIPP";
 boolean isMatch = kmp(T, P);
 System.out.println("Pattern " + P
 + " is present in text: " + T);
 System.out.println("Pattern " + P
 + " is not present in text: " + T);
 static boolean kmp(String T, String P)
 int n = T.length();
 int m = P.length();
 int[] fail = computeFailFunction(P);
 int i = 0; // text index
 int j = 0; // pattern index
 while( i < n )
 if( P.charAt(j) == T.charAt(i) )
 if( j == m-1 ) return true;
 if( j > 0 ) j = fail[j-1];
 else i++;
 return false;

 static int[] computeFailFunction( String P )
 int m = P.length();
 int[] fail = new int[m];
 fail[0] = 0;
 int i = 1;  10. KMP Algorithm

 int j = 0;
 while( i < m )
 if( P.charAt(j) == P.charAt(i) ) // j+1 characters match
 fail[i] = j+1;
 else if( j > 0 ) // j follows a matching prefix
 j = fail[j-1];
 else // no match
 { fail[i] = 0;
 return fail;

 Pattern SSIPP is present in text:


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